Friday, December 28, 2007

Parts and Parcels

The holidays it seems, are marked by unhappiness as much as by joy in this the "most joyest time of the year". snicker. sneer. Two years in a row now someone I've known has committed suicide. The timing of it all fascinates me--how could you mark your family and your friends and even mere acquaintences with this act for the rest of their lives? But trying to force a rationale onto an irrational act does no one any good. I suppose that even for the best of us, the holidays can be hard to bear. (Hi Mom, yes, still mad. No, not being overly dramatic.) Perhaps its the build up or the expectations or just the hollow chasm of your self-perceived failures lit up by the family christmas tree. (ok, maybe that part was overly dramatic.) Whatever the reason, a fair amount of unhappiness come part and parcel with all that shiny wrapping. So now, in the aftermath, again, I say let's cling to the joy that we find. In our friends and lovers and family and wheezing little dogs because who knows what we will unwrap tomorrow.

And check out what the Nepalese were pissed about back in '03.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cling on, my dear. Cling on.