Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mahout: The Keeper of Driver of an Elephant

I've been remiss, redundant, recalcitrant! Okay, maybe not redundant. But remiss, yes definitely.

Sadly there's no fantastic story to tell as to why. I haven't been vacationing in Zimbabwe or immersing myself in Portguese. I did manage to raise a million or so at our annual gala and also gave A. a black eye on Easter. Poor guy. I was billowing out the blankets just as he was sitting up and I put my elbow directly into his eye socket. You know how they talk about a sickening thud? Yeah, that was the sound it made.

And I've been working hard on my next story. I've finally wrapped my brain around the Uzbekistani mahout so now I just gotta get him to do what I want him to do. But he's turning out to be awfully stubborn. I've named him Ramil.

Photo: Mary Ellen Mark

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prostitutes and Political Wives

I'm not at all surpised that Eliot Spitzer was caught in a prostitution scandal. I barely even blinked. What surprises me now and has always done so, is that his wife STOOD BY HIS SIDE. We've seen it time and time again. There he is, making his "heartfelt" apology, and there she is, wearing the conservatve suit, sometimes even holding his hand. I can't help but think her insides must be ripped to shreds. Her life, dignity, marriage have just gone to crap and yet, she still stands there and supports him. I suppose some must think its admirable, but I find it just a little bit disgusting.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Macarons and Mutual Funds

They say that each person has a limited quantity of self control. Ie you may not buy the stupidly expensive but guaranteed to make you feel fabulous shoes, but that same day, you'll probably go ahead and eat the fries. To that end, I've finally set aside enough to buy some international blue chip mutual funds (hello diversification) but those macarons, well, they didn't stand a chance.

To pick up some practically perfect, proper French macarons, try Paulette's on Beverly Drive and Charleville.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Drivin a semi through the plot-holes

How is it that Hayden Christensen can star in both Shattered Glass (fantastic, amazing, go rent it now if you've not seen it movie) and Jumper
(one of the worst movies, oh, ever)? This confuses me and makes me sad for him.