Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mahout: The Keeper of Driver of an Elephant

I've been remiss, redundant, recalcitrant! Okay, maybe not redundant. But remiss, yes definitely.

Sadly there's no fantastic story to tell as to why. I haven't been vacationing in Zimbabwe or immersing myself in Portguese. I did manage to raise a million or so at our annual gala and also gave A. a black eye on Easter. Poor guy. I was billowing out the blankets just as he was sitting up and I put my elbow directly into his eye socket. You know how they talk about a sickening thud? Yeah, that was the sound it made.

And I've been working hard on my next story. I've finally wrapped my brain around the Uzbekistani mahout so now I just gotta get him to do what I want him to do. But he's turning out to be awfully stubborn. I've named him Ramil.

Photo: Mary Ellen Mark

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