Monday, January 14, 2008


And the world keeps going round. As I watch another friend struggle with the suddeness of disease and how unfair it is to watch one's child suffer, I wonder at all that we can ever just be here now. That we can really let such horror in. But she does, because she is my strongest friend. And perhaps my truest. So now I will sit in awe of the power of people to overcome even the most debilitating of circumstances and celebrate each wee step towards recovery.

Photo credit: Tods

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when loving, steadfast friends stand close - in spirit, if not miles- the horror is shared, the celebrating is shared. that helps things balance somehow, it does.

here she is alive, talking, singing, walking. i'm blindingly grateful we're 'here.'

and also for you, and for all my extraordinary, beautiful friends standing close once more, ready to take this new journey with me, one step at a time.