Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Will acupuncture cure my split-ends?

"Lady you have problem." That's what the unbelievably old Chinese man said to be as he was about to stick current conducting acupuncture needles into my back. "You got big problem."

And yeah, I did. The 16 hour combined sit-fest of last weeks funeral services back in SC (5 flight, 10 hours in the car, 1 in the airport, yeesh) did something very very wrong to my back. I kept thinking it would get better. It thought otherwise and got worse. So much so that by the end of most of the work days last week, I practically had to limp home.

After much berating from A. I finally agreed to go get a massage at the cheapie place up the street. A benefit you see, to living so close to Korea-town. But there weren't any massages on Saturdays the surly receptionist told me. Monday-Friday. "Is there anything else that might help me?" I oh-so-naively ask.

As a matter of fact there was. Acupuncture, electricized. "But it's going to hurt," the receptionist tells me. I think she's smirking at me so I boldy say "No Problem!" A. swears to me that she wasn't smirking, but he was clearly mistaken. The woman had it in for me. Anyway...

So there I am, stomach down on an old mat, curtained off from a bustling Saturday market with this old man sticking electrical needles into my back. "How did this happen?" I think to myself. He inserts them all and they zip and zap at me and create the oddest senation of relaxation and pain. I lay there , on my stomach, pants partly pulled down, thinking things like "Am I wearing a thong? I hope I'm not wearing a thong" and "I wonder if the bottom of my socks are clean?"

Fifteen minutes pass and he takes them out and here's the thing. It worked. Like a freakin' miracle it worked. My back is back thank you very much. So much so I've spent the last 2 days trying to come up with other reasons to go visit the acupuncturist. Cramps? Arthritis? Acne? Split-ends? Do you think he can do anything about my split ends?

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