Friday, November 23, 2007

as good as it gets?

Welcome to my blog!

Hope you had a brilliant Thanksgiving. Ours was lovely. Though my signifigant other being Mexico-city born, I did feel a certain amount of (self-induced) pressure to make the best Thanksgiving day dinner ever for his first experience.

Which led to 9,000 lbs of stuffing for 2 people. And undercooked pie crust. But whatever, the bird was grand and that's all that counts right?

It was after the meal that things got interesting. We watched a movie. A movie that's been out for ages but that I've not before seen. As Good as it Gets. That's right, Oscar winner, best actress blah blah blah. Did no one else find this movie insulting as hell? I'm not, I swear, particularly easily insulted, but the premise of this movie is actually that because Helen Hunt's character is poor, the best mate she can find in life is CRAZY!! Actually, certifiably, crazy. That's just straight up ridiculous. And more shockingly, no one seems to have noticed. How can this be, that this is what we've come to?

Believe me, I was single and dating (lots of crazy involved there) for a long, long time. But never once did it occur to me that as good as it gets was someone with actual mental problems on a scale large enough to impede social relations.

Now listen, I don't mean to stigmatize the mentally ill. But what does it say about classism and sexism in our society that all we equate poor and crazy? That somehow these two are a match made in heaven? Think about it, if the waitress had been a lawyer, would the story have made sense?

Anyway, enough already. Ranting done. I'm off to finish my wine, knit a scarf, and hope you all are having a fabulous Friday night.



Anonymous said...

ohhh I thought the same thing too! Spanglish, the next film by the same guy, is worse.

Anonymous said...

yeah, um, Spanglish? nearly unwatchable as well. -- 'cept for cloris leachman. flippin' extraordinary.