Friday, November 30, 2007

What's Religion Mean Anyway?

It's raining today in Los Angeles. A cold, yicky kind of rain. My yoga teacher very very nicely saw me heading out and offered to give me a ride. Thanks! And during the ride we got into the most interesting conversation. I suppose that's what happens when you ride around with yoga teachers. Anyway, the question is:

What is it that constitutes a religious experience?

I was taking one of those "what's your real age?" quizzes. I'm "really" 24 it tells me. Rock n roll. One of the questions was whether or not you go to a church or other place of worship once a week or more. The answer to that of course is no. But is that to say that other expereinces don't qualify? To me sitting meditation is a religious experience, so can be reading a book or knitting or writing. Anything that transcends my brain and puts me in "that other place." Maybe if the quiz counted those, I'd really be 22!

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